Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Could the US stock market become vulnerable?

US stocks managed to bank significant gains during the 2018 summer, although this was considered to be a historically bad period for stocks. The S&P 500 managed to break above the January high and got past the 2,900 figure. Tech stocks and the Nasdaq Composite had been leading the market in terms of gains, with the Nasdaq reaching the 8,000 milestone. With share trading so hot in the US these days, some analysts are beginning to ring alarms, claiming that “dark clouds” can be seen...
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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Tax Benefits of Real Investing in 2018

Tax Benefits of Real Investing in 2018 Is it any wonder the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act benefits real estate investors when the president-elect made his “fortune” in real estate? Is it any wonder he passed the bill yet failed to divest his business interests as legally required to do so? No matter which side of the political fence you’re on, if you’re a real estate investor or looking to become one, Donald Trump is your presidential dream-come-true. Experts argue the bill will not benefit those it claimed to benefit, and this bears noting for moral reasons alone, but it will give the following advantages to real estate holders, so take this into...
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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Gold Investment During Tumultuous Times

Gold is proving its evergreen commodity status. Currently priced at $1,358 per ounce, it’s defying expectations by maintaining its price, showing consistency not found since July 2016. What’s more, gold is predicted to keep rising by Goldman Sachs, who have this week asserted that it will continue to outperform other commodities amidst fears over a market correction. The shifting political landscape and rocky future outlook are creating problems for many markets, making securing...
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Thursday, December 21, 2017

2018's Booming Commodities For Smart Investors

Commodities are perhaps the oldest and most durable of markets. After all, human beings will always need materials and always speculate on what the future might hold. The past few years and the rapid up-tech trend have seen what we understand to be the commodities market shift, with regulators even suggesting bitcoin should be traded as a commodity. Bearing that in mind, you might be wondering what 2018 could hold. Which commodities are set to rise up the ranks again, like silver and gold ore- and which are set to fall? Will there be newcomers and disruptors, or more of the same? Titanium Titanium has found a niche in the...
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Monday, December 4, 2017

Money Saving Tips You Can Use Starting Today

With the state of the economy in the country today, it is more important than ever that people learn how to manage their money, budget their finances, and control their spending. How to save money is one of the most commonly searched terms online. If you are looking for some easy and practical ways to cut costs and save a little more green each month, then check out these five tips: 1) Buy at local markets over big chain stores- Farmer's markets, local farmers, and flea markets can be a great...
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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Mistakes To Avoid For First-time Property Investors

The real estate game is quite hard to navigate in these troubled financial times. Before, it was possible to make a property investment and to be sure that that investment is going to pay off. However, today, with the omnipresent shortage of money, the profit is by no means guaranteed, and there are many bad shortcuts that you can take.  These shortcuts can easily leave you lying naked in the bankruptcy bushes with multiple financial cuts and bruises. Since there are so many articles on what to do when investing in property for the first time, here are some definite don’ts when it comes to investing. Doing these things is something...
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